@้ ok okay so here's a pic of the field Onix print and the successful hand print which printed with absolutely no issues. Pic is too big to upload will need to make smaller or upload somewhere and link.
Latest posts made by Sim 83
RE: Nozzle needs repacing
Nozzle needs repacing
Help In the middle of a print, filament collecting around the nozzle tried purging the nozzle a few times it seemed like it was clogged but filament flows. Heated all the way up to 240 tried purging more doesn't let me Purge too much.more Resumed printing no filament coming out of the print head log shows 20 hours or so of printing cumulative. Do the print nozzle needs to be replaced?
Update, so it seems that there was a bit of filament nozzle stuck on the nozzle side of the tube and I took that out and I expected it to work after that, but it didn't so I continued to try to purge more filament and I forgot to mention I would click on Purge more and it would like for second and then go to continue and I had to keep pushing Purge more I don't remember it being that way the way I remember it is is you would push Purge more and you would have to stop it and then it would go to continue but maybe I remember that wrong. So I finally decided to give up and kill the print and do a test print with the hand on the SD card and wouldn't you know it it's working just fine the film is flowing with no problem. I forgot to mention that I was printing out the serpentine Onix here on poloprint and it says Tina2s is one of the printers that can print it so I don't see why I shouldn't have been able to print it out so if someone could enlighten me about this I would really appreciate it thanks one thing I just realized is is that the nozzle was hovering above the printout it wasn't coming down to the level that it is now so it seems to me like that was the issue there that the filament wasn't making contact with the print but what do I know? I should add one more thing and that is that the last print before I tried to print the articulated serpentine was a ball on here as well I can't remember which particular STL file it is but it got also messed up the first half of the ball so I don't know maybe something going on with the printer?
RE: Having a great experience but keep getting disconnected from Poloprint. App, Wi-Fi?
@้ Hi Eric we appreciate your replying to our problem, unfortunately we don't have the router near us because it is Wi-Fi that's being provided to us, would connecting anbextender and being close to the extender make a difference? We checked latency and it's coming up TTL=50.. which from what you said should be decent enough. You didn't mention anything about the Firmware version so we take it that's not an issue? Also while we are in contact with you would to know build plate is only one-sided or can both sides be used? It's probably one-sided but we can't find the answer online so that's why we are asking asking, lastly where can we find maintenance instructions for plate cleaning and whatnot Thanks
Having a great experience but keep getting disconnected from Poloprint. App, Wi-Fi?
Hello, we just received my Tina 2-S today, so far we printed a rabbit benchy, and a snowflake from here on Poloprint Cloud App and a name charm plate currently printing out the Is fidget star, very little issues, except that an attempt to print a keychain failed, and Wi-Fi seems to be disconnecting after every print is done and requires a restart. In some cases it would send to the printer but it would not print and it would have to be restarted. At first, there was no IP number showing but then the IP number started showing. I was wondering if perhaps the firmware needs to be upgraded? firmware currently is 24WDV1, is this the current version? We searched online and here but canโt find an answer.