When I’m printing something that has a shape where a parts not resting on the platform or higher up- eg octopus pot- it goes all stringy or dog stand the head went stringy. What am I doing wrong?
Stringy when printing without resting on something
When I’m printing something that has a shape where a parts not resting on the platform or higher up- eg octopus pot- it goes all stringy or dog stand the head went stringy. What am I doing wrong?
@Kim-3 To help us better understand the problems that you have encountered, could you please provide some pictures or short videos of the issues? This will enable us to identify the root cause more accurately and provide a suitable solution accordingly.
- 7 days later
What's your temp setting? You may lower the temp and find a best setting.
And change the parameter from 3 to 4 will make a better effect.