Preloaded model options
Where is all the Content that on the search page under toys or household or all the sub genres of models you can create? There was a continuous scrolling list of things and now I only see like 10 or 12 available
There is pre-loaded content on the printer from the card you inserted into it.
In order to print content from the app on your phone or computer, your printer must be connected to the internet and show as "online" in the app. If it is, you can then print content straight from the app by selecting the content you want, and select thebprint option.
Hope this helps.
@Cameron-Lian To view more models, please swipe down on your phone's screen to refresh the interface. This should load additional models for you to explore.
@Cameron-Lian I am confused by this too, it says thousands of designs but I am lucky if I see 100 in total
@apple_user_1735172840 Maybe swith to other kinds, like Toys or Art.
@陆 I have done that but it still only shows about 15 in each section
I am having the same problem, my printer is online and I can print the limited models showing but there aren't many options for each category. I am very confused as to why I'm only being shown a small collection of prints, "toys" has the largest selection but still not 100's
@Sandy-Green Could you plz take a pic or a video?
@陆 How do I upload a video? I just tried and it says I don't have the privilege for that action. Thank you
@Sandy-Green yuare Fantastic
@Sandy-Green Maybe upload the video to Google Drive or you can just send it to support number, WhatsApp: +86 189 3601 2338